A ferocious Duck on her walk! Amelia is not a fan of the rain, or snow,or temperatures below 72 so she has the best wardrobe
Owner: Ashley
Breed: English Staffordshire Terrier (rescue)
Age: 5 ish
More: I rescued Amelia from Little Rock Arkansas where she was save by a group of amazing women, who nursed this sorry looking girl back to health. She was used as a bait and breeder dog (then was discarded when she was of no use to them anymore). They put her on a plane (hence her name) and got her to Colorado, where I snatched her up, started her immediately in psychiatric service dog training and getting her weight up. Amelia is now part of a dog pack that fosters other dogs, and teaches them the way of the meatball, has a human brother she Melts over, and she uses her training to serve those with trauma or PTSD. She loves to give back.