Votes: 10


Never too late to be a mountain dog

More: Daisy was about 2 when she was rescued from a dog fighting situation in North Carolina. Despite the horrendous start to her life, Daisy is the sweetest (and most resilient) love bug who's never met a sofa that she didn't like. In fact as a senior dog, it's impossible to get her off the couch even to go for a walk around the block. And particularly challenging during the hot humid Washington DC summers. This all changed during the pandemic when we packed up the dogs and drove to the Canadian Rockies. What a transformation! Couch potato to a mountain dog and despite her advanced age (and arthritis) Daisy is trekking up and down the side of the mountain, even in -10 degree weather! The mountains, the crisp clean air, glacial waters have been amazing for both her physical and mental well-being.