Edgar and Baxter Wytovich

Hey guys……we’re waiting for you to come out and play!

More: Edgar has been the big brother for 3 of our dogs and had taught them to be the best dogs ever! They open our sliding doors to go outside but refuse to close them upon doing so. They look like bullies but are truly divas. Haha. They insist on sleeping with us and alerting us when bedtime is every night. They love everyone and going for car rides. If we leave a car door open .. we can find them sitting inside the car and 90% of the time it’s in the drivers seat. Everyone who meets them falls in love with them. We never taught them, but they are so respectful of each other and will not go to the other’s feeding bowl until the other walks away and then they become the cleanup crew! When together, they are always as close as they can possibly get with each other often with their paws crossed together. They truly love one another. At my sons wedding in another town, we took them with us and they wore shirts that said “sheriff” and “security”. They were a hit with everyone! They are our world and we could not love them any more!! ❤️❤️