
An Angel Dog

More: Griffin unexpectedly, tragically, and quickly passed away from an inoperable cancerous tumor on November 5, 2021, despite our best efforts to save him. However, even though he’s gone, he is still worth being celebrated! We adopted him 9 months after I lost my health catastrophically in 2021. This tiny, 5-pound boy knew I was sick, decided I was his charge, and watched over me with the greatest love and loyalty possible, for 9 years. I cannot overestimate the impact he had on my life, as I faced a devastating chronic condition and disability. He helped save my life, and made every single day better. Despite, or maybe because, he had a painful history, he was my earth angel. I realize it’s unusual to submit about a dog who recently passed. But he made such a profound difference in the life of a disabled person, he is worth mentioning!