Mom, is this coat really necessary? I’m waterproof already!
Owner: Alexis
Breed: Chocolate Golden
Age: 9
More: I don’t have enough words to even begin to describe Hershey. I mean we just lost him to hemangiosarcoma and found the Morris foundation , so we thought this would be a fitting tribute to him. He lived life to the fullest giving love to everyone he met . He swam if he could 24/7, dock dive, chase squirrels and loved the dangerous hunt of the ever present geckos lurking on the house! He danced a dinner dance every single day, except his last. He was a foster that was born in our house but never left. We love him and hope his picture brings joy to others like his presence did to us! Morris foundation, we wish you luck, please find a cure soon, please! We love you Hershey!! ❤️ Www.Hersheyskisses.org Cancer sucks!