
Enjoying the blue ridge parkway picnic area

More: Hershey came to us as a pup straight from her mom. She is the most fun loving, protective dog in the neighborhood. She is so smart all we have to do is show her a trick a few times and she gets it. Can do all the usual doggie tricks like lay down, give paws, high fives, roll over, stay etc. Loves to give kisses and hugs. Will lay in my lap like a baby looking up into my face till I rub on her. Very protective of all kids. Senses my feelings and reacts to them. If I'm upset she will love on me and if I'm in a really good happy mood she will bring me her toys to play with her. She has a special stuffed toy we call her baby because she rubs on it and then lays on it to sleep. All we have to do is say " where's baby" and she will go get it. Loves to play fetch and makes the funniest little noise when she gets what you have thrown. Makes us laugh. Hershey is the best dog around and we love her like family.