Hershey Bear
Dog Daze of Summer
Owner: Lee
Breed: Chocolate Lab
Age: 23 months
More: After loosing our last dog to cancer, I wasn’t sure if I could love another. Then Hershey Bear came into our lives. He is a kick! He exercises me 3 times a day. We’re not talking short walks either. He is the Energizer Bunny! He loves running with ‘his kids’ (our grandchildren), chasing his ball, water and napping. He loves being off leash and runs ahead but not too far, he has to check to see where we are. He has NEVER met a stranger, 4 or 2 legged. He sleeps in his own bed, then sneaks in bed with us, wiggling in between and flopping on me. He awakes early with his ‘daddy’ then proceeds to get back in bed with me then ‘kisses’ my face before he lays back down. I can’t imagine life without my furry friend.