
Whole at last

More: Jazz was found in the middle of the road, starving and confused. After going to the vet, I found out she had a strong case of heart worms. Once she was treated for that successfully, and her weight was way up, she was then spayed. The vet said thank God you spayed her when you did, you saved her life. He said her tubes should have been this size, and he held up his pinky. Then he held up his fist and said they were this size. Her uterus was the same and ready to explode. Since her spay, she is like a new dog. She eats everything in her bowl (before it was very hard to get her to eat). She plays with toys for the first time throwing them high in the air. She is such a happy dog now. I swear my vet switched dogs on me! Such a wonderful difference! I am so happy to have this sweet girl in my life!