
Flying off the dock!

More: He is a goofy, fun, cuddly curly coated retriever who LOVES his family, retrieving, and every thing we do with him. He is exuberant when we are active, but he will calm down and snuggle with his family; particularly he loves to cuddle up to his momma and his little sister we are expecting this January. He is a big boy, but he is gentle and careful around his mom's belly and will lightly lay his head down like he is listening for his sister's heartbeat and any movement, making sure she is okay. He makes his parents laugh everyday, especially on days like their wedding this past August. He wanted to be as helpful as he could on his parents special day so he decided to take a mid ceremony swim in his "best dog" tux in the lake and come back to "cool off" some of the guests with a good shake in the middle of the aisle! His parents as well as every guest there had a great time with his antics and now have an even better video! As one guest could be overheard saying in the video "we now have a new bar for fun weddings!" And thats our boy, raising the bar on fun!