Mickey Red

It’s starting to snow.

More: Our dog, Mickey, kept a close eye on our human baby, Sammy. Mickey loved camping trips, especially when it came to paddling down the river with us and enjoying those yummy camp vittles...meat on the grill cooked just right. Mickey loved camping so much that he went and hid by the river as we packed up our final camping gear: tent, fishing poles, clothes on the line. Where had our Mickey gone....we rushed around calling him and whistling for him as soon as we noticed he wasn’t in his normal position, curled up tight by the fire. Time crept by as we still wandered away from camp making a commotion until we saw a red furry ear with head tilted to the side as if to say, 5 more minutes please. Loading him up was a breeze. We were smitten by his love for our family and the great outdoors.