
Not Gonna Give You My Ball…But You Can Try!

More: Molly is a rescue from a shelter out of New Mexico. What I understand is she was found with her mother who was a stray with a litter of puppies, Molly being one of those pups. Her life began on the streets with her mom and siblings. Not sure the exact story. She ended up with a rescue in Tucson, where I saw her in cage looking at me with her sweet face and cocked head as if she was saying to me “Look at me! Aren’t I beautiful and adorable!” Her goofy look and sweet disposition immediately melted my heart! At that time, I was very heart-broken and sad after losing my 15 year old mixed breed 2 weeks earlier. Molly’s sweet disposition immediately connected not only with me, but my other dog I had with me at the time who is also a very sensitive and sweet dog. Molly and I have been training the past two years to become a registered pet therapy team and will be tested this November 2021. I know Molly will bring much joy and happiness to those individuals we will visit as much as she has to me and my family.