
“Nothing like a good tennis ball & fresh air,” Petey says!

More: Petey is a gentle soul! We adopted him after our last dog passed away. We saw his sweet face on and knew our sweet dog that just passed was telling us, “he’s the one I want to have my family now that I’m gone.” Petey was 10 years old when he was looking for a new forever home. As soon as I saw that “frosted face,” I knew he was the dog for us! There is something about the appreciation a rescue dog and a senior, rescue dog at that shows you! They know they’ve been given that special second chance! Funny things is...Petey rescued us! He’s the heart & soul of our house! He loves playing outside! He can’t wait to get out and explore! He loves to fetch his tennis ball and proudly walk around with it! The poor guy has Grand mal seizures, so when he’s feeling good, we have him outside having fun!