Fetch on the levee
Owner: Faire
Breed: Brittany
Age: 1.75
More: Remy has the most personality of any dog I’ve ever known and also happens to the be the most handsome. His coloring is unusual for a Brittany, his head being all brown, but it makes him so unique and we are constantly stopped by strangers. Full of energy, we go to the levee (we live in New Orleans) every morning to play fetch. There is nothing he likes to do more, he plays until he can’t stand up. He is also greyhound fast, can disappear in a second but always circles back. We got him in March 2020, when our wedding was cancelled, I lost my job, and my grandmother was dying, a bright light in hard times. He makes us laugh every day and is the greatest joy. Everyone who meets him loves him, he is so full of personality and love for all humans.