Living my best life
Owner: Elizabeth
Breed: American Shelter Dog
Age: 11
More: Sass originally came from the south as a thre year old and was adopted out from the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society in 2015. In 2023 she landed back at the GAHS brought in by police as a stray. Luckily they had chipped her and could contact the original adopter. Sadly, they had rehomed her and they had rehomed her, etc., until she found herself kicked to the curb. I adopt old dogs and had just lost two when I saw her grey whiskers in their website in August. She arrived like she had been waiting her whole life to be right here. Best guess given her temperament and appearance she may be a mountain cur. Extremely loyal and bestest of friends. This picture is our first time together at the ocean. Clearly loves it! She’s so very awesome.