Votes: 55


Scout visiting horseshoe bend in Page, AZ for the first time on our way to camp near Zion National Park.

More: Scout is my first solo dog and is honestly the best kid I could have asked for. He is so smart and loves to work when he is not hiking or playing ball. His many jobs include herding my flock of chickens, helping garden, turning my open compost bin (he is a very good digger), and catching roof rats. He “helps” me wherever he can, even if it is just sitting in a chair next to me in the kitchen while we cook dinner. Part of his charm is his humbling overbite (medically deemed parrot-mouth because it is so drastic) which adds to his goofy personality. He had to have one of his bottom k-9s shaved because of this medical condition! I have never met a dog who looks up as much as he does, but usually he does so with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.