
Never leave my human

More: We adopted Texas when he was 8 weeks old three years ago this week.He quickly attacked himself to our terminally ill intellectually disabled adult son as well as the rest of us.He is 99% of the time at my son's side. Texas alerts me if my son, affectionately known as Waffle gets sick during the night or is having too much pain to make it to the restroom. I've noticed in the last week or so that he will nudge my son's wheelchair to him.This past August when we had to travel from flordia to Alabama (UAB) for my husband's lifesaving open heart surgery. Texas went with us. When in the hospital he checked out each person attending to my husband's care before allowing them to touch him.When I was diagnosed with polycythemia vera Sept 24th he was there for me to cry on. Now that I'm weaker if he sees me having trouble with something like getting my son out of the tub he squeezes in and encourages my son to grab his collar and helps to pull my son up.This is the best Dog our family has ever been blessed with.