Looking for the next adventure
Owner: Natalie
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Age: 5 Months
More: Timber is the first hunting dog I have ever owned. As a 20 year old college student I faced opposition from friends, family, and strangers towards getting a dog who would be not just a 15 commitment, but an expensive one. To prepare myself I did the research, bought the gear, and typed the two year, day by day, color coordinated training plan. The 8 hour drive to pick Timber up was accompanied by the overwhelming doubt that I had made a mistake. As I started working with him each progression in his learning melted away my doubts. Each sit, each stay, and each retrieve filled me with pride and taught me something I did not read in the books; drive and desire. At 5 months old, he is my favorite fishing, hiking, and hunting partner and has given me the confidence to pursue my passions, despite the fear.