
But Mom, I almost Had Him!!!

More: Toby… my heart sighs, we recently lost our sweet man to cancer. I didn’t know it at the time but after we named him I later researched his name, short for Tobias meaning “God is Good”. Not having children he became our 1 and only child, a human like personality unlike anything I had known… there’s not enough room to write about this sweet boys influence on our lives. We found him digging thru trash 11bs, 9 weeks old and were told not to get attached he wouldn’t make it. He not only proved everyone wrong and fought a 3 year battle with cancer but also like his name… God is good and we wouldn’t have been in such pain if we wouldn’t have experienced such joy!! Thanks!Kristi I’m going to send a photo that I painted of James and Perry (would love to give it to them if they want) … during this process of loss your stories have Been such a source of inspiration, I read them all and am so moved to pick up my brushes and just paint! Thanks again, Kristi