
A breathe of fresh air

More: Adventure companion by day, chicken and kitten guardian by night, Willow is a beautiful gentle soul who was scooped off the streets as a puppy. She was scared and untrusting at first, but quickly began to shine with a very playful personality. She has such a desire to make people happy, and she has the stamina and enthusiasm to accompany me on any adventure I may desire to embark on. She's intelligent and instinctively knows how to protect our flock of hens, always listening for sounds of stress. We also foster rescue cats and she is a gentle and sweet ambassador to the kitties who need exposure to dogs. She's very snuggly and often wishes she could fit in your lap. She can't, but she will still crawl up onto you and try. Her favorite thing is being invited onto our bed for morning cuddles on the weekend. She is also an amazing playmate and guardian to my nieces, and I would literally trust her with their lives. Willow still has reactivity issues with strangers occasionally, but I am so proud of how well she does with proper management. She will always need me to work on this with her, and I don't mind because it makes our bond stronger.