Archie & Bobo – short for Archibald & Bocephus

Golden boys in the snow

More: Archie is the most laid back golden until he sees people he lights up like a puppy! Which always confuses people on which one is older. He always puts people in such a good mood. As soon as they give him attention he lays on his back and lifts his back leg! He loves watching tv, barking at the door, unsuccessfully chasing squirrels in the backyard and going to work with his dad! Bobo is a typical golden he loves to dig, get dirty, chase birds, needs constant attention, and is food driven! He’s more of a mamas boy since he was raised while I worked from home! At first they didn’t give off the warm and fuzzies to each other, now they are inseparable! They are two opposites that make the best brothers!