Votes: 10


Do you hear that deer?

More: Baxter was our 4th Yellow Labrador in a line of 6 in our family. We just adopted our first BLack Lab about a year ago. Baxter was the best behaved, most personable dog my wife and I have ever known. I think he barked twice in his life, but he always let us know what he needed, just took a look. He had some major joint issues and underwent several operations including stem cell injections. He never complained or whined......we feel he knew we were doing our best for him. He was such company during COVID, His health had deteriorated about the time COVID started and we began conversations with our Vet about making the decision. Baxter perked up just before Thanksgiving so that we thought he could sustain a trip to our cabin in the Olympic Mountains.....Baxter's favorite place. He died there in my arms just before Thanksgiving. I believe he knew I did not want to make the hard decision. We really appreciate the support you provide to our pets. Baxter's favorite bed was an Orvis Bed.......he slept there by my side for 14.5 years.