Votes: 105


Full Speed Ahead

More: Chance's full name was "Slim Chance" as there was a slim chance I was going to be able to get another dog. Then he blessed my family. He was a great companion, office mascot and running partner. He was my first Vizsla, but I should be picking up my next Vizsla pup in about 8 weeks. The breed is so smart, attentive and loving. This photo was taken in a field next to my parent's house in NC. I had him sit and stay and confidently walked away to set up about 75 yards away. When prompted, it was full steam ahead in my direction. Coming at me at about 40 mph, I was worried he would not run right into me. But he came to a screeching halt and settled at my feet. I had to put him down in 2020 just shy of 14 years old. Best 14 years of my life. If the new pup is 1/2 as awesome as Chance was I will be blessed for years to come. I can describe Chance in 3 simple words... Best Dog Ever!