
Always smiling!

More: Echo is a living testament to how loyal, innocent, and brave and resilliant our pets can be! She was paralyzed from chest down when she was 10 months old from being hit by a car. Our small town vet told us she had no quality of life and we didn’t have many options. Everyday we went to visit her while she was at the hospital, no matter how much she hurt, or how scary it must have been for her, she always had a smile on her face (literally) We eventually purchased wheelchair and learned how to care for her on our own and took her home. We were never expecting her to regain any feeling, or movement on her own, we were told she was going to be incontinent. A year later she began trying to walk and has progressed from there. She now walks even runs (in her own way) she is potty trained, and has taught so many that there is always hope! She is the most amazing miracle I’ve ever witnessed and does everything with a smile!!!