
Harley with his new napping buddy

More: This is Harley, a 6 month old long haired dachshund. He loves to play with his toys and chewing everything in sight. Harley was recently given this cute door stop daschund and immediately kissed and placed his head on its back and feel asleep. Harley is an amazing puppy and a really smart boy. He likes working on his doggy puzzles and can figure them out within 5 minutes of seeing them. His favorite food is cheese of all kinds. He likes being around people and other dogs even if they are complete strangers. Recently Harley has found a love for being in the snow. He loves to jump and run and try to catch the snowballs that are thrown around by my self and my husband. He is a working on learning that car rides are fun, even when in the back in his car seat, and that load noises are nothing to be afraid of.