Ivy and Henry
Happy Fall, y'all!
Owner: Shelley
Breed: Ivy long haired weimaraner, Henry weimaraner
Age: Ivy 3 yrs 9 months, Henry 2 years 11 months
More: Both our dogs are rescues. Ivy came from a rescue group out east started by a couple that adopted a foster dog (#44) from us. We got Ivy as a puppy when her litter was relinquished to their rescue group. We drove from IN to PA to get her. She has her CGC certification and visits hospice care patients at nursing home facilities. Henry was relinquished by his owner to the rescue group we work with and came to us as a foster. He and Ivy bonded so we adopted Henry ourselves. He was foster #53 and our only "foster fail" out of 56 fosters to date.