
Hi. My name is Lucky dog and I found my luck the day my Murphy’s found me in a kill shelter, rescued me and made me a forever home. Now I fill their home with fur and their lives with Lucky love. In return they give me all the human love a dog could ever wish for. And so goes my Lucky dog love story.

More: Lucky was in a kill shelter and lucky for us, we found her in time. That was OUR lucky day, she is a giant ball of puppy love. She’s goes EVERYWHERE with us, or at least everywhere the world will let us take her. She’s at every soccer game, where she is the constant team mascot (and distraction), on beach vacations and hiking adventures, school drop offs and neighborhood BBQs. We almost lost her this last Christmas but three days of emergencies care and she came home to us. She wasn’t done loving us just yet. Who saved who? Because I know we are the lucky ones.