
dune you love me?

More: Moose is our best friend... he comes everywhere and does everything with us. He was even in our October, 2021 wedding! He starts to wiggle his whole body in excitement when he makes eye contact with anyone and loves to be loved on! He is rarely without his tennis ball. That's not to say he isn't quirky-- he is fearless when it comes to jumping on a boat or leading a horse by its lead rope, but turn a vacuum or hair dryer on and he flees the scene! He especially loves the snow-- if there is snow on the ground he loves to roll in it. He is the best of his two breeds-- the 'lay on the couch and watch football' Bernese Mountain dog, and the energetic, athletic, and strikingly-colored Aussie. Due to his good-nature and magnetic personality both dogs and people gravitate to Moose.