Oakley (sir Oakley Studley McMuffins)

I'm not coming inside unless you have treats

More: I'm just a cute beagle, but I also have a super power! I have been training to find hearing aids for my mom. My whole family is hard of hearing, including my little hooman. Some people said that beagles can't do service work outside of therapy work or airports. My mom is almost as stubborn as me, because here I am, working hard to prove them wrong! I'm a foodie, so if you don't have treats...then I'm not working for you. Although...I might settle for a belly rub or a walk to get my sniffs in. Mom says you should have a sense of humor if you own a beagle, I really get the most laughs in when I do the nopes. I'm extremely intelligent, don't let my nose fool you! Also, in this picture, I stole her glove while we were outside. It was her fault she didn't bring treats!