That's some dog!
Owner: Melissa
Breed: Daschund-Pittie (or AmStaff; hes a rescue) mix
Age: 1 yr
More: Oswald loves the outdoors! He's big on sunbathing, and he fancies himself a hunter, catching many mice in our house and always keeping the squirrels and rabbits in line. When he's in the woods his nose takes over and he's often seen tracking the various critter trails, or bird-watching. Oswald is also a big cuddler, and will lay on your lap no matter how little the space (despite being 40lbs!) and loves all people, but especially children. He's bold, stubborn and brave in true daschund fashion but tends to look for his mom's presence for reassurance because covid has kept him more isolated than we would like - but he still loves to meet new dogs. We rescued him at just 2 months old.