Votes: 22



More: Pinto, a misunderstood pup except for those who observed his teaching with an open mind. Pinto would always have an eye to the sky, pointing as if telling me look up at the vastness, pulling me into the present moment. He was a sprinter chasing a bird, a plane or a moving cloud, ha, even bark at the moon. Pinto could twirl, performing 180 turns and oh, what joyous wonder. He and his elder brother Papo, also a Sheltie would herd their younger bro Sully with a kind of beauty that can only be observed. Pinty's favorite season, I would say was winter. He would find a fluff of fresh snow and sit in it as if meditating, again, calling me into his Divine Purpose, Presence. Pinto my beloved pup still calls me to look up, he left his paw prints there.