
Let's hit the road! Co-pilot is ready to go!

More: Tundra came from a huge cattle farm in rural Alabama. She suffered a lot of trauma her first few months due to a genetic condition involving the dislocation of her back leg (luxating patella.) After stints, casts, a ton of medical appointments and an eventual in-patient surger- all before her first birthday, she is good as new and one of the fastest most agile dogs in any dog park. She is stubborn and highly intelligentz. She is still learning to use her intellect over her instinct, but she is eager to please and even more eager to learn. People tell us all the time that we saved her- as no one would have gone through (medically) what we did with a brand new puppy- but at the end of the day, she saved us. She saved my husband for sure and she is exactly where she was always meant to be.