Votes: 291


Looking onto Brighter Horizons

More: My story with Uki began with tragic and unexpected circumstances. I found her on Christmas Eve stuck in an illegal coyote trap in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. She was severely malnourished and riddled with infection from tissue damage. Fortunately, she was able to make a full recovery but suffered the loss of her hind-leg. I named her Uki because I read that it meant "survivor" in the Inuit language – quite the fitting name after all she had endured. From that fateful day forward, we’ve wasted no time in chasing every wild adventure we can because nothing makes us happier than being in the great outdoors. I truly can’t imagine my life without Uki, and my heart goes out to all those who’ve lost their beloved pup to cancer. May this initiative help end canine cancer and allow our pets to live out their lives to the fullest!